Physical Quantities  v1.0.0
C++ library of physical quantities, physical models, and units of measure for scientific computing.
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CPhQ::DimensionalDyad< Unit::Frequency, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalPlanarVector< Unit::Acceleration, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalPlanarVector< Unit::EnergyFlux, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalPlanarVector< Unit::Force, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalPlanarVector< Unit::Length, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalPlanarVector< Unit::Pressure, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalPlanarVector< Unit::Speed, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalPlanarVector< Unit::TemperatureGradient, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Acceleration, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Angle, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::AngularAcceleration, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::AngularSpeed, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Area, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Diffusivity, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::DynamicViscosity, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::ElectricCharge, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::ElectricCurrent, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Energy, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::EnergyFlux, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Force, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Frequency, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::HeatCapacity, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Length, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Mass, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::MassDensity, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::MassRate, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Memory, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::MemoryRate, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Power, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Pressure, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::ReciprocalTemperature, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::SolidAngle, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::SpecificEnergy, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::SpecificHeatCapacity, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::SpecificPower, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Speed, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::SubstanceAmount, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Temperature, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::TemperatureDifference, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::TemperatureGradient, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::ThermalConductivity, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Time, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::TransportEnergyConsumption, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::Volume, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< Unit::VolumeRate, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Frequency, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::ThermalConductivity, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalVector< Unit::Acceleration, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalVector< Unit::Area, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalVector< Unit::EnergyFlux, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalVector< Unit::Force, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalVector< Unit::Length, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalVector< Unit::Pressure, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalVector< Unit::Speed, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionalVector< Unit::TemperatureGradient, double >
 CPhQ::DimensionlessDyad< double >
 CPhQ::DimensionlessPlanarVector< double >
 CPhQ::DimensionlessScalar< double >
 CPhQ::DimensionlessSymmetricDyad< double >
 CPhQ::DimensionlessVector< double >
 CPhQ::Dyad< double >
 CPhQ::ConstitutiveModelAbstract base class for a material's constitutive model, which is a model that defines the relationship between the stress and the strain and strain rate at any point in the material
 CPhQ::ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType >Constitutive model for a compressible Newtonian fluid. This is the simplest constitutive model for a compressible fluid. It is similar to the model for an incompressible Newtonian fluid, but also includes the effect of the volumetric component of the strain rate tensor in addition to its deviatoric component
 CPhQ::ConstitutiveModel::ElasticIsotropicSolid< NumericType >Constitutive model for an elastic isotropic solid. This is the simplest constitutive model for a deformable solid material
 CPhQ::ConstitutiveModel::IncompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType >Constitutive model for an incompressible Newtonian fluid. This is the simplest constitutive model for a fluid. The viscous stress tensor at a point is a linear function of only the local strain rate tensor at that point
 CPhQ::Dimension::ElectricCurrentBase physical dimension of electric current. Typically denoted "I". One of seven independent base physical dimensions that form the physical dimension set of any unit of measure or physical quantity. Part of PhQ::Dimensions
 CPhQ::Dimension::LengthBase physical dimension of length. Typically denoted "L". One of seven independent base physical dimensions that form the physical dimension set of any unit of measure or physical quantity. Part of PhQ::Dimensions
 CPhQ::Dimension::LuminousIntensityBase physical dimension of luminous intensity. Typically denoted "J". One of seven independent base physical dimensions that form the physical dimension set of any unit of measure or physical quantity. Part of PhQ::Dimensions
 CPhQ::Dimension::MassBase physical dimension of mass. Typically denoted "M". One of seven independent base physical dimensions that form the physical dimension set of any unit of measure or physical quantity. Part of PhQ::Dimensions
 CPhQ::Dimension::SubstanceAmountBase physical dimension of amount of substance. Typically denoted "N". One of seven independent base physical dimensions that form the physical dimension set of any unit of measure or physical quantity. Part of PhQ::Dimensions
 CPhQ::Dimension::TemperatureBase physical dimension of temperature. Typically denoted "Θ". One of seven independent base physical dimensions that form the physical dimension set of any unit of measure or physical quantity. Part of PhQ::Dimensions
 CPhQ::Dimension::TimeBase physical dimension of time. Typically denoted "T". One of seven independent base physical dimensions that form the physical dimension set of any unit of measure or physical quantity. Part of PhQ::Dimensions
 CPhQ::DimensionalDyad< UnitType, NumericType >Abstract base class that represents any dimensional dyadic tensor physical quantity. Such a physical quantity is composed of a value and a unit of measure where the value is a three-dimensional dyadic tensor. The tensor may be non-symmetric
 CPhQ::VelocityGradient< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean velocity gradient dyadic tensor. Gradient of the velocity vector. May be symmetric or asymmetric. Contains nine components in Cartesian coordinates: xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, and zz. For the scalar components or resultants of a velocity gradient tensor, see PhQ::ScalarVelocityGradient. Can also represent the time rate of change of a displacement gradient; see PhQ::DisplacementGradient, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::DimensionalPlanarVector< UnitType, NumericType >Abstract base class that represents any dimensional planar vector physical quantity. Such a physical quantity is composed of a value and a unit of measure where the value is a two- dimensional planar vector in the XY plane
 CPhQ::PlanarAcceleration< NumericType >Two-dimensional Euclidean acceleration vector in the XY plane. Contains two components in Cartesian coordinates: x and y. For a three-dimensional Euclidean acceleration vector, see PhQ::Acceleration. For scalar acceleration components or for the magnitude of an acceleration vector, see PhQ::ScalarAcceleration
 CPhQ::PlanarDisplacement< NumericType >Two-dimensional Euclidean displacement vector in the XY plane. Contains two components in Cartesian coordinates: x and y. Displacement is not to be confused with position; for a two-dimensional Euclidean position vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarPosition. For a three-dimensional Euclidean displacement vector, see PhQ::Displacement. For scalar displacement components or for the magnitude of a displacement vector, see PhQ::Length
 CPhQ::PlanarForce< NumericType >Two-dimensional Euclidean force vector in the XY plane. Contains two components in Cartesian coordinates: x and y. For a three-dimensional Euclidean force vector, see PhQ::Force. For scalar force components or for the magnitude of a force vector, see PhQ::ScalarForce
 CPhQ::PlanarHeatFlux< NumericType >Two-dimensional Euclidean heat flux vector in the XY plane. Contains two components in Cartesian coordinates: x and y. For a three-dimensional Euclidean heat flux vector, see PhQ::HeatFlux. For scalar heat flux components or for the magnitude of a heat flux vector, see PhQ::ScalarHeatFlux
 CPhQ::PlanarPosition< NumericType >Two-dimensional Euclidean position vector in the XY plane. Contains two components in Cartesian coordinates: x and y. Position is not to be confused with displacement; for a two-dimensional Euclidean displacement vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarDisplacement. For a three-dimensional Euclidean position vector, see PhQ::Position. For scalar position components or for the magnitude of a position vector, see PhQ::Length
 CPhQ::PlanarTemperatureGradient< NumericType >Two-dimensional Euclidean temperature gradient vector in the XY plane. Contains two components in Cartesian coordinates: x and y. For a three-dimensional Euclidean temperature gradient vector, see PhQ::TemperatureGradient. For scalar temperature gradient components or for the magnitude of a temperature gradient vector, see PhQ::ScalarTemperatureGradient
 CPhQ::PlanarTraction< NumericType >Two-dimensional Euclidean traction vector in the XY plane. Contains two components in Cartesian coordinates: x and y. Traction is similar to pressure; however, traction can act in any direction, whereas pressure always acts compressively perpendicular to a surface. For a three-dimensional Euclidean traction vector, see PhQ::Traction. For scalar traction components or for the magnitude of a traction vector, see PhQ::ScalarTraction
 CPhQ::PlanarVelocity< NumericType >Two-dimensional Euclidean velocity vector in the XY plane. Contains two components in Cartesian coordinates: x and y. For a three-dimensional Euclidean velocity vector, see PhQ::Velocity. For scalar velocity components or for the magnitude of a velocity vector, see PhQ::Speed
 CPhQ::DimensionalScalar< UnitType, NumericType >Abstract base class that represents any dimensional scalar physical quantity. Such a physical quantity is composed of a value and a unit of measure where the value is a scalar number
 CPhQ::BulkDynamicViscosity< double >
 CPhQ::DynamicViscosity< double >
 CPhQ::LameFirstModulus< double >
 CPhQ::ShearModulus< double >
 CPhQ::Angle< NumericType >Plane angle between two lines or dihedral angle between two planes
 CPhQ::AngularSpeed< NumericType >Angular speed, also known as angular rate or angular frequency. Represents the time rate of change of an angle; see also PhQ::Angle, PhQ::ScalarAngularAcceleration, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency. Can also represent a component or the magnitude of an angular velocity pseudovector
 CPhQ::Area< NumericType >Surface area or cross-sectional area. Can also represent a scalar component of a vector area or the magnitude of a vector area. Any closed surface has a vector area: it is the surface integral of its surface normal direction. A vector area is an oriented area; it is the three-dimensional Euclidean vector representation of an area; see PhQ::VectorArea
 CPhQ::BulkDynamicViscosity< NumericType >Bulk dynamic viscosity, also known as volume dynamic viscosity or dilatational dynamic viscosity. Not to be confused with dynamic viscosity; see PhQ::DynamicViscosity
 CPhQ::DynamicKinematicPressure< NumericType >Dynamic kinematic pressure, which is dynamic pressure divided by mass density; see PhQ::DynamicPressure and PhQ::MassDensity
 CPhQ::DynamicPressure< NumericType >Dynamic pressure, which is the additional pressure arising from a flowing fluid's kinetic energy. Dynamic pressure can be thought of as a flowing fluid's kinetic energy per unit volume. Not to be confused with static pressure or total pressure; see PhQ::StaticPressure and PhQ::TotalPressure. For dynamic kinematic pressure, see PhQ::DynamicKinematicPressure
 CPhQ::DynamicViscosity< NumericType >Dynamic viscosity, also known as molecular dynamic viscosity. Dynamic viscosity is the relationship between the viscous stress of a material and its corresponding strain rate. Not to be confused with kinematic viscosity, which is dynamic viscosity divided by mass density; see PhQ::KinematicViscosity and PhQ::MassDensity. Also not to be confused with bulk dynamic viscosity; see PhQ::BulkDynamicViscosity
 CPhQ::ElectricCharge< NumericType >Electric charge
 CPhQ::ElectricCurrent< NumericType >Electric current, also known as amperage. Represents a flow of electric charge or a time rate of change of electric charge
 CPhQ::Energy< NumericType >Energy physical quantity. Can represent any kind of energy, such as kinetic energy, potential energy, internal energy, and so on. The time rate of change of energy is power; see PhQ::Power, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::Frequency< NumericType >Frequency. Inverse of a time duration. See also PhQ::Time
 CPhQ::GasConstant< NumericType >Gas constant of a gas. For the mass-specific gas constant, see PhQ::SpecificGasConstant
 CPhQ::IsentropicBulkModulus< NumericType >Isentropic bulk modulus. Not to be confused with the isothermal bulk modulus; see PhQ::IsothermalBulkModulus. Solid materials usually have very similar isentropic and isothermal bulk moduli; however, in general, fluid materials have differing isentropic and isothermal bulk moduli
 CPhQ::IsobaricHeatCapacity< NumericType >Isobaric heat capacity, also known as heat capacity at constant pressure. For the mass-specific isobaric heat capacity, see PhQ::SpecificIsobaricHeatCapacity
 CPhQ::IsochoricHeatCapacity< NumericType >Isochoric heat capacity, also known as heat capacity at constant volume. For the mass-specific isochoric heat capacity, see PhQ::SpecificIsochoricHeatCapacity
 CPhQ::IsothermalBulkModulus< NumericType >Isothermal bulk modulus of a material. Not to be confused with the isentropic bulk modulus; see PhQ::IsentropicBulkModulus. Solid materials usually have very similar isentropic and isothermal bulk moduli; however, in general, fluid materials have differing isentropic and isothermal bulk moduli
 CPhQ::KinematicViscosity< NumericType >Kinematic viscosity, also known as molecular kinematic viscosity. Defined as dynamic viscosity divided by mass density; see PhQ::DynamicViscosity and PhQ::MassDensity. Also appears in the definition of the Prandtl number; see PhQ::PrandtlNumber and PhQ::ThermalDiffusivity
 CPhQ::LameFirstModulus< NumericType >Lamé's first modulus of elasticity of a deformable solid material. First of the two Lamé parameters. A measure of a deformable solid material's elastic modulus. For other measures of a material's elastic modulus, see PhQ::YoungModulus, PhQ::ShearModulus, PhQ::IsentropicBulkModulus, PhQ::IsothermalBulkModulus, PhQ::PWaveModulus, and PhQ::PoissonRatio
 CPhQ::Length< NumericType >Length, distance, or physical size. Can also represent a scalar component or magnitude of a position or displacement vector. For a three-dimensional Euclidean position vector, see PhQ::Position. For a three-dimensional Euclidean displacement vector, see PhQ::Displacement. For a two-dimensional Euclidean position vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarPosition. For a two-dimensional Euclidean displacement vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarDisplacement
 CPhQ::LinearThermalExpansionCoefficient< NumericType >Linear thermal expansion coefficient. Not to be confused with the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient; see PhQ::VolumetricThermalExpansionCoefficient. For isotropic materials, the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient is usually three times the linear thermal expansion coefficient
 CPhQ::Mass< NumericType >Mass. For the time rate of change of mass, see PhQ::MassRate; see also PhQ::Time and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::MassDensity< NumericType >Mass density. Mass per unit volume; see PhQ::Mass and PhQ::Volume
 CPhQ::MassRate< NumericType >Mass rate. Can represent the time rate of change of a mass or a mass flow rate; see PhQ::Mass, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::Memory< NumericType >Computer memory. For the time rate of change of computer memory, see PhQ::MemoryRate; see also PhQ::Time and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::MemoryRate< NumericType >Computer memory rate. Can represent the time rate of change of memory or a memory transfer speed; see PhQ::Memory, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::PWaveModulus< NumericType >P-wave modulus of elasticity of a deformable solid material. A measure of a deformable solid material's elastic modulus. For other measures of a material's elastic modulus, see PhQ::YoungModulus, PhQ::ShearModulus, PhQ::IsentropicBulkModulus, PhQ::IsothermalBulkModulus, PhQ::LameFirstModulus, and PhQ::PoissonRatio
 CPhQ::Power< NumericType >Power. Time rate of change of energy or energy transfer rate; see PhQ::Energy, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::ScalarAcceleration< NumericType >Scalar acceleration component or magnitude of an acceleration vector. For a three-dimensional Euclidean acceleration vector, see PhQ::Acceleration. For a two-dimensional Euclidean acceleration vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarAcceleration
 CPhQ::ScalarAngularAcceleration< NumericType >Scalar angular acceleration. Represents the time rate of change of an angular speed; see also PhQ::AngularSpeed, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency. Can also represent a component or the magnitude of an angular acceleration pseudovector
 CPhQ::ScalarForce< NumericType >Scalar force component or magnitude of a force vector. For a three-dimensional Euclidean force vector, see PhQ::Force. For a two-dimensional Euclidean force vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarForce
 CPhQ::ScalarHeatFlux< NumericType >Scalar heat flux component or magnitude of a heat flux vector. For a three-dimensional Euclidean heat flux vector, see PhQ::HeatFlux. For a two-dimensional Euclidean heat flux vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarHeatFlux
 CPhQ::ScalarStrainRate< NumericType >Scalar component or resultant of a three-dimensional Euclidean strain rate symmetric dyadic tensor. For the related tensor, see PhQ::StrainRate. See also PhQ::ScalarStrain, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::ScalarStress< NumericType >Scalar component or resultant of a three-dimensional Euclidean Cauchy stress symmetric dyadic tensor. For the related tensor, see PhQ::Stress
 CPhQ::ScalarTemperatureGradient< NumericType >Scalar temperature gradient component or magnitude of a temperature gradient vector. For a three-dimensional Euclidean temperature gradient vector, see PhQ::TemperatureGradient. For a two-dimensional Euclidean temperature gradient vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarTemperatureGradient
 CPhQ::ScalarThermalConductivity< NumericType >Scalar component or resultant of a three-dimensional Euclidean thermal conductivity symmetric dyadic tensor. In general, thermal conductivity is a tensor; however, in isotropic materials, thermal conductivity simplifies to a scalar. For the related tensor, see PhQ::ThermalConductivity
 CPhQ::ScalarTraction< NumericType >Scalar traction component or magnitude of a traction vector. Traction is similar to pressure; however, traction can act in any direction, whereas pressure always acts compressively perpendicular to a surface. For a three-dimensional Euclidean traction vector, see PhQ::Traction. For a two-dimensional Euclidean traction vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarTraction
 CPhQ::ScalarVelocityGradient< NumericType >Scalar component or resultant of a three-dimensional Euclidean velocity gradient dyadic tensor. For the related tensor, see PhQ::VelocityGradient. Can also represent the time rate of change of a scalar displacement gradient; see PhQ::ScalarDisplacementGradient, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::ShearModulus< NumericType >Shear modulus of elasticity of a deformable solid material. A measure of a deformable solid material's elastic modulus. For other measures of a material's elastic modulus, see PhQ::YoungModulus, PhQ::IsentropicBulkModulus, PhQ::IsothermalBulkModulus, PhQ::LameFirstModulus, PhQ::PWaveModulus, and PhQ::PoissonRatio
 CPhQ::SolidAngle< NumericType >Solid angle. Measures the field of view of a portion of the surface of the unit sphere viewed from the center of the unit sphere. Typically measured in steradians (sr), which are square radians. The unit sphere has a total solid angle of 4π steradians
 CPhQ::SoundSpeed< NumericType >Speed of sound. Applies to any deformable material, including fluids and deformable solids. Defined as the ratio of a material's isentropic bulk modulus to its mass density; see PhQ::IsentropicBulkModulus and PhQ::MassDensity. The speed of sound also appears in the definition of the Mach number; see PhQ::MachNumber and PhQ::Speed
 CPhQ::SpecificEnergy< NumericType >Mass-specific energy. Energy per unit mass; see PhQ::Energy and PhQ::Mass
 CPhQ::SpecificGasConstant< NumericType >Mass-specific gas constant of a gas. Gas constant per unit mass; see PhQ::GasConstant and PhQ::Mass. PhQ::Mass
 CPhQ::SpecificIsobaricHeatCapacity< NumericType >Mass-specific isobaric heat capacity, also known as mass-specific heat capacity at constant pressure, or isobaric heat capacity per unit mass; see PhQ::IsobaricHeatCapacity and PhQ::Mass
 CPhQ::SpecificIsochoricHeatCapacity< NumericType >Mass-specific isochoric heat capacity, also known as mass-specific heat capacity at constant volume, or isochoric heat capacity per unit mass; see PhQ::IsochoricHeatCapacity and PhQ::Mass
 CPhQ::SpecificPower< NumericType >Mass-specific power. Power per unit mass; see PhQ::Power and PhQ::Mass
 CPhQ::Speed< NumericType >Scalar velocity component or magnitude of a velocity vector. For a three-dimensional Euclidean velocity vector, see PhQ::Velocity. For a two-dimensional Euclidean velocity vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarVelocity
 CPhQ::StaticKinematicPressure< NumericType >Static kinematic pressure, which is static pressure divided by mass density; see PhQ::StaticPressure and PhQ::MassDensity
 CPhQ::StaticPressure< NumericType >Static pressure. Pressure of a fluid at rest. Not to be confused with dynamic pressure, which is the additional pressure resulting from the kinetic energy of a flowing fluid, or total pressure, which is the sum of static pressure and dynamic pressure. See PhQ::DynamicPressure and PhQ::TotalPressure. Can represent either an absolute static pressure or a static pressure difference relative to another static pressure. For static kinematic pressure, see PhQ::StaticKinematicPressure
 CPhQ::SubstanceAmount< NumericType >Amount of substance. Typically measured in moles (mol)
 CPhQ::Temperature< NumericType >Temperature. For a temperature difference, see PhQ::TemperatureDifference. For the gradient of temperature, see PhQ::TemperatureGradient
 CPhQ::TemperatureDifference< NumericType >Temperature difference. Not to be confused with temperature; see PhQ::Temperature. For example, a temperature difference of 20 kelvin is very different from a temperature of 20 kelvin
 CPhQ::ThermalDiffusivity< NumericType >Thermal diffusivity of a material. Measures the rate of heat transfer inside a material. Equals the scalar thermal conductivity divided by the mass density and specific isobaric heat capacity; see PhQ::ScalarThermalConductivity, PhQ::MassDensity, and PhQ::SpecificIsobaricHeatCapacity. Also appears in the definition of the Prandtl number; see PhQ::PrandtlNumber and PhQ::KinematicViscosity
 CPhQ::Time< NumericType >Time. Can represent either a point in time, a time duration, or a period. For the inverse of time, see PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::TotalKinematicPressure< NumericType >Total kinematic pressure, which is total pressure divided by mass density; see PhQ::TotalPressure and PhQ::MassDensity
 CPhQ::TotalPressure< NumericType >Total pressure, which is the sum of static pressure and dynamic pressure; see PhQ::StaticPressure and PhQ::DynamicPressure. For total kinematic pressure, see PhQ::TotalKinematicPressure
 CPhQ::TransportEnergyConsumption< NumericType >Transport energy consumption, also known as energy consumption in transport. A measure of energy use per distance traveled. Energy consumption in transport is often measured in joules per metre (J/m), kilowatt-hours per kilometre (kW·hr/km), or kilowatt-hours per mile (kW·hr/mi)
 CPhQ::Volume< NumericType >Volume. For the time rate of change of volume, see PhQ::VolumeRate; see also PhQ::Time and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::VolumeRate< NumericType >Volume rate. Can represent a time rate of change of a volume or a volume flow rate. See also PhQ::Volume, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::VolumetricThermalExpansionCoefficient< NumericType >Volumetric thermal expansion coefficient. Not to be confused with the linear thermal expansion coefficient; see PhQ::LinearThermalExpansionCoefficient. For isotropic materials, the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient is usually three times the linear thermal expansion coefficient
 CPhQ::YoungModulus< NumericType >Young's modulus of elasticity of a deformable solid material. A measure of a deformable solid material's elastic modulus. For other measures of a material's elastic modulus, see PhQ::ShearModulus, PhQ::IsentropicBulkModulus, PhQ::IsothermalBulkModulus, PhQ::LameFirstModulus, PhQ::PWaveModulus, and PhQ::PoissonRatio
 CPhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< UnitType, NumericType >Abstract base class that represents any dimensional symmetric dyadic tensor physical quantity. Such a physical quantity is composed of a value and a unit of measure where the value is a three-dimensional symmetric dyadic tensor
 CPhQ::StrainRate< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean strain rate symmetric dyadic tensor. Time rate of change of strain. Contains six components in Cartesian coordinates: xx, xy = yx, xz = zx, yy, yz = zy, and zz. For the scalar components or resultants of a strain rate tensor, see PhQ::ScalarStrainRate. See also PhQ::Strain, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::Stress< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean Cauchy stress symmetric dyadic tensor. Contains six components in Cartesian coordinates: xx, xy = yx, xz = zx, yy, yz = zy, and zz. For the scalar components or resultants of a Cauchy stress tensor, see PhQ::ScalarStress
 CPhQ::ThermalConductivity< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean Cauchy thermal conductivity symmetric dyadic tensor. Contains six components in Cartesian coordinates: xx, xy = yx, xz = zx, yy, yz = zy, and zz. In general, thermal conductivity is a tensor; however, in isotropic materials, thermal conductivity simplifies to a scalar. For the scalar components or resultants of a thermal conductivity tensor, see PhQ::ScalarThermalConductivity
 CPhQ::DimensionalVector< UnitType, NumericType >Abstract base class that represents any dimensional vector physical quantity. Such a physical quantity is composed of a value and a unit of measure where the value is a three-dimensional vector
 CPhQ::Acceleration< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean acceleration vector. Contains three components in Cartesian coordinates: x, y, and z. For a two-dimensional Euclidean acceleration vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarAcceleration. For scalar acceleration components or for the magnitude of an acceleration vector, see PhQ::ScalarAcceleration
 CPhQ::Displacement< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean displacement vector. Contains three components in Cartesian coordinates: x, y, and z. Displacement is not to be confused with position; for a three-dimensional Euclidean position vector, see PhQ::Position. For a two-dimensional Euclidean displacement vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarDisplacement. For scalar displacement components or for the magnitude of a displacement vector, see PhQ::Length
 CPhQ::Force< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean force vector. Contains three components in Cartesian coordinates: x, y, and z. For a two-dimensional Euclidean force vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarForce. For scalar force components or for the magnitude of a force vector, see PhQ::ScalarForce
 CPhQ::HeatFlux< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean heat flux vector. Contains three components in Cartesian coordinates: x, y, and z. For a two-dimensional Euclidean heat flux vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarHeatFlux. For scalar heat flux components or for the magnitude of a heat flux vector, see PhQ::ScalarHeatFlux
 CPhQ::Position< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean position vector. Contains three components in Cartesian coordinates: x, y, and z. Position is not to be confused with displacement; for a three-dimensional Euclidean displacement vector, see PhQ::Displacement. For a two-dimensional Euclidean position vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarPosition. For scalar position components or for the magnitude of a position vector, see PhQ::Length
 CPhQ::TemperatureGradient< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean temperature gradient vector. Contains three components in Cartesian coordinates: x, y, and z. For a two-dimensional Euclidean temperature gradient vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarTemperatureGradient. For scalar temperature gradient components or for the magnitude of a temperature gradient vector, see PhQ::ScalarTemperatureGradient
 CPhQ::Traction< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean traction vector. Contains three components in Cartesian coordinates: x, y, and z. Traction is similar to pressure; however, traction can act in any direction, whereas pressure always acts compressively perpendicular to a surface. For a two-dimensional Euclidean traction vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarTraction. For scalar traction components or for the magnitude of a traction vector, see PhQ::ScalarTraction
 CPhQ::VectorArea< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean vector area. Contains three components in Cartesian coordinates: x, y, and z. A vector area is an oriented area; it is the three-dimensional Euclidean vector representation of an area. Any closed surface has a vector area: it is the surface integral of its surface normal direction. For the scalar components of a vector area or for the magnitude of a vector area, see PhQ::Area
 CPhQ::Velocity< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean velocity vector. Contains three components in Cartesian coordinates: x, y, and z. For a two-dimensional Euclidean velocity vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarVelocity. For scalar velocity components or for the magnitude of a velocity vector, see PhQ::Speed
 CPhQ::DimensionlessDyad< NumericType >Abstract base class that represents any dimensionless dyadic tensor physical quantity. Such a physical quantity is composed only of a value where the value is a three-dimensional dyadic tensor. The tensor may be non-symmetric. Such a physical quantity has no unit of measure and no dimension set
 CPhQ::DisplacementGradient< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean displacement gradient dyadic tensor. Gradient of the displacement vector. May be symmetric or asymmetric. Contains nine components in Cartesian coordinates: xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, and zz. For the scalar components or resultants of a displacement gradient tensor, see PhQ::ScalarDisplacementGradient. The time rate of change of a displacement gradient is a velocity gradient; see PhQ::VelocityGradient, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::DimensionlessPlanarVector< NumericType >Abstract base class that represents any dimensionless planar vector physical quantity. Such a physical quantity is composed only of a value where the value is a two-dimensional planar vector in the XY plane. Such a physical quantity has no unit of measure and no dimension set
 CPhQ::PlanarDirection< NumericType >Two-dimensional Euclidean direction vector in the XY plane. Contains two components in Cartesian coordinates: x and y. Guaranteed to be either a unit vector or the zero vector (0, 0). For a three-dimensional Euclidean direction vector, see PhQ::Direction
 CPhQ::DimensionlessScalar< NumericType >Abstract base class that represents any dimensionless scalar physical quantity. Such a physical quantity is composed only of a value where the value is a scalar number. Such a physical quantity has no unit of measure and no dimension set
 CPhQ::HeatCapacityRatio< NumericType >Heat capacity ratio, also known as ratio of specific heats, adiabatic index, or Laplace's coefficient. A material's heat capacity ratio is the ratio of its isobaric heat capacity to its isochoric heat capacity; see PhQ::IsobaricHeatCapacity and PhQ::IsochoricHeatCapacity
 CPhQ::MachNumber< NumericType >Mach number of a fluid flow. Measures the local compressibility of a fluid flow. Represents the ratio of a fluid's local speed to its local speed of sound. See also PhQ::Speed and PhQ::SoundSpeed
 CPhQ::PoissonRatio< NumericType >Poisson's ratio of a deformable solid material. Measures the deformation of a deformable solid material subjected to a load in directions perpendicular to the direction of loading. Poisson's ratios range from -1 to 0.5, though most deformable solid materials have a Poisson's ratio between 0 and 0.5
 CPhQ::PrandtlNumber< NumericType >Prandtl number of a fluid. Represents the ratio of the momentum diffusivity to the thermal diffusivity of a fluid. See also PhQ::KinematicViscosity, PhQ::SpecificIsobaricHeatCapacity, PhQ::DynamicViscosity, PhQ::ScalarThermalConductivity, and PhQ::ThermalDiffusivity
 CPhQ::ReynoldsNumber< NumericType >Reynolds number of a fluid flow. Measures the local turbulence of a fluid flow. Represents the ratio of local inertial forces to local viscous forces in a fluid flow. See also PhQ::MassDensity, PhQ::Speed, PhQ::Length, PhQ::DynamicViscosity, and PhQ::KinematicViscosity
 CPhQ::ScalarDisplacementGradient< NumericType >Scalar component or resultant of a three-dimensional Euclidean displacement gradient dyadic tensor. For the related tensor, see PhQ::DisplacementGradient. The time rate of change of a scalar displacement gradient is a scalar velocity gradient; see PhQ::ScalarVelocityGradient, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::ScalarStrain< NumericType >Scalar component or resultant of a three-dimensional Euclidean strain symmetric dyadic tensor. For the related tensor, see PhQ::Strain. For the time rate of change of scalar strain, see PhQ::ScalarStrainRate, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::DimensionlessSymmetricDyad< NumericType >Abstract base class that represents any dimensionless symmetric dyadic tensor physical quantity. Such a physical quantity is composed only of a value where the value is a three-dimensional symmetric dyadic tensor. Such a physical quantity has no unit of measure and no dimension set
 CPhQ::Strain< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean strain symmetric dyadic tensor. Contains six components in Cartesian coordinates: xx, xy = yx, xz = zx, yy, yz = zy, and zz. For the scalar components or resultants of a strain tensor, see PhQ::ScalarStrain. For the time rate of change of strain, see PhQ::StrainRate, PhQ::Time, and PhQ::Frequency
 CPhQ::DimensionlessVector< NumericType >Abstract base class that represents any dimensionless vector physical quantity. Such a physical quantity is composed only of a value where the value is a three-dimensional vector. Such a physical quantity has no unit of measure and no dimension set
 CPhQ::Direction< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean direction vector. Contains three components in Cartesian coordinates: x, y, and z. Guaranteed to be either a unit vector or the zero vector (0, 0, 0). For a two-dimensional Euclidean direction vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarDirection
 CPhQ::DimensionsPhysical dimension set of a unit of measure or physical quantity. Composed of the seven independent base physical dimensions: time (T), length (L), mass (M), electric current (I), temperature (Θ), amount of substance (N), and luminous intensity (J). Units of measure that share the same physical dimension set are of the same type and can be converted between one another. For example, the metre per second and the mile per hour are both units of measure that have the same physical dimension set of T^(-1)·L, which is the physical dimension set of speed, so these two units of measure can be converted between one another. On the other hand, the kilogram per cubic metre is a unit of measure with physical dimension set L^(-3)·M, which is the physical dimension set of mass density, so this unit of measure cannot be converted to either the metre per second or the mile per hour, which have a different physical dimension set
 CPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean dyadic tensor. Contains nine components in Cartesian coordinates: xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, and zz. May be symmetric or asymmetric. For a symmetric three-dimensional Euclidean dyadic tensor, see PhQ::SymmetricDyad. For a three-dimensional Euclidean vector, see PhQ::Vector. For a two-dimensional Euclidean vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarVector
 CPhQ::PlanarVector< NumericType >Two-dimensional Euclidean vector in the XY plane. Contains two components in Cartesian coordinates: x and y. For a three-dimensional Euclidean vector, see PhQ::Vector. For a three-dimensional Euclidean dyadic tensor, see PhQ::Dyad. For a three-dimensional symmetric Euclidean dyadic tensor, see PhQ::SymmetricDyad
 CPhQ::SymmetricDyad< NumericType >Symmetric three-dimensional Euclidean dyadic tensor. Contains six components in Cartesian coordinates: xx, xy = yx, xz = zx, yy, yz = zy, and zz. For the general case of a three-dimensional Euclidean dyadic tensor which may be symmetric or asymmetric, see PhQ::Dyad. For a three-dimensional Euclidean vector, see PhQ::Vector. For a two-dimensional Euclidean vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarVector
 CPhQ::Vector< NumericType >Three-dimensional Euclidean vector. Contains three components in Cartesian coordinates: x, y, and z. For a two-dimensional Euclidean vector in the XY plane, see PhQ::PlanarVector. For a three-dimensional Euclidean dyadic tensor, see PhQ::Dyad. For a three-dimensional symmetric Euclidean dyadic tensor, see PhQ::SymmetricDyad
 CPhQ::PlanarVector< double >
 CPhQ::SymmetricDyad< double >
 CPhQ::Vector< double >