Physical Quantities  v1.0.0
C++ library of physical quantities, physical models, and units of measure for scientific computing.
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PhQ::Dimension::Mass Class Reference

Base physical dimension of mass. Typically denoted "M". One of seven independent base physical dimensions that form the physical dimension set of any unit of measure or physical quantity. Part of PhQ::Dimensions. More...

#include "Mass.hpp"

Public Member Functions

constexpr Mass ()=default
 Default constructor. Constructs a base physical dimension of mass with a value of zero. More...
constexpr Mass (const int8_t value)
 Constructor. Constructs a base physical dimension of mass with a given value. More...
 ~Mass () noexcept=default
 Destructor. Destroys this base physical dimension of mass. More...
constexpr Mass (const Mass &other)=default
 Copy constructor. Constructs a base physical dimension of mass by copying another one. More...
constexpr Massoperator= (const Mass &other)=default
 Copy assignment operator. Assigns the value of this base physical dimension of mass by copying from another one. More...
constexpr Mass (Mass &&other) noexcept=default
 Move constructor. Constructs a base physical dimension of mass by moving another one. More...
constexpr Massoperator= (Mass &&other) noexcept=default
 Move assignment operator. Assigns the value of this base physical dimension of mass by moving another one. More...
constexpr int8_t Value () const noexcept
 Value of this base physical dimension. More...
std::string Print () const noexcept
 Prints this base physical dimension as a string. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string_view Abbreviation () noexcept
 Abbreviation of this base physical dimension. More...
static std::string_view Label () noexcept
 Label of this base physical dimension. More...

Private Attributes

int8_t value {0}
 Value of this base physical dimension. More...

Detailed Description

Base physical dimension of mass. Typically denoted "M". One of seven independent base physical dimensions that form the physical dimension set of any unit of measure or physical quantity. Part of PhQ::Dimensions.

Definition at line 40 of file Mass.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Mass() [1/4]

constexpr PhQ::Dimension::Mass::Mass ( )

Default constructor. Constructs a base physical dimension of mass with a value of zero.

◆ Mass() [2/4]

constexpr PhQ::Dimension::Mass::Mass ( const int8_t  value)

Constructor. Constructs a base physical dimension of mass with a given value.

Definition at line 46 of file Mass.hpp.

◆ ~Mass()

PhQ::Dimension::Mass::~Mass ( )

Destructor. Destroys this base physical dimension of mass.

◆ Mass() [3/4]

constexpr PhQ::Dimension::Mass::Mass ( const Mass other)

Copy constructor. Constructs a base physical dimension of mass by copying another one.

◆ Mass() [4/4]

constexpr PhQ::Dimension::Mass::Mass ( Mass &&  other)

Move constructor. Constructs a base physical dimension of mass by moving another one.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Abbreviation()

static std::string_view PhQ::Dimension::Mass::Abbreviation ( )

Abbreviation of this base physical dimension.

Definition at line 71 of file Mass.hpp.

Referenced by Print().

◆ Label()

static std::string_view PhQ::Dimension::Mass::Label ( )

Label of this base physical dimension.

Definition at line 76 of file Mass.hpp.

Referenced by PhQ::Dimensions::JSON(), PhQ::Dimensions::XML(), and PhQ::Dimensions::YAML().

◆ operator=() [1/2]

constexpr Mass& PhQ::Dimension::Mass::operator= ( const Mass other)

Copy assignment operator. Assigns the value of this base physical dimension of mass by copying from another one.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

constexpr Mass& PhQ::Dimension::Mass::operator= ( Mass &&  other)

Move assignment operator. Assigns the value of this base physical dimension of mass by moving another one.

◆ Print()

std::string PhQ::Dimension::Mass::Print ( ) const

Prints this base physical dimension as a string.

Definition at line 81 of file Mass.hpp.

References Abbreviation(), and value.

Referenced by PhQ::Dimension::operator<<(), and PhQ::Dimensions::Print().

◆ Value()

constexpr int8_t PhQ::Dimension::Mass::Value ( ) const

Value of this base physical dimension.

Definition at line 66 of file Mass.hpp.

References value.

Referenced by PhQ::Dimensions::JSON(), PhQ::Dimensions::XML(), and PhQ::Dimensions::YAML().

Member Data Documentation

◆ value

int8_t PhQ::Dimension::Mass::value {0}

Value of this base physical dimension.

Definition at line 96 of file Mass.hpp.

Referenced by Print(), and Value().

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