Physical Quantities  v1.0.0
C++ library of physical quantities, physical models, and units of measure for scientific computing.
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PhQ::Stress< NumericType > Class Template Reference

Three-dimensional Euclidean Cauchy stress symmetric dyadic tensor. Contains six components in Cartesian coordinates: xx, xy = yx, xz = zx, yy, yz = zy, and zz. For the scalar components or resultants of a Cauchy stress tensor, see PhQ::ScalarStress. More...

#include "Stress.hpp"

Public Member Functions

 Stress ()=default
 Default constructor. Constructs a stress tensor with an uninitialized value. More...
 Stress (const SymmetricDyad< NumericType > &value, const Unit::Pressure unit)
 Constructor. Constructs a stress tensor with a given value expressed in a given pressure unit. More...
 Stress (const ScalarStress< NumericType > &xx, const ScalarStress< NumericType > &xy, const ScalarStress< NumericType > &xz, const ScalarStress< NumericType > &yy, const ScalarStress< NumericType > &yz, const ScalarStress< NumericType > &zz)
 Constructor. Constructs a stress tensor from a given set of scalar stress components. More...
constexpr Stress (const StaticPressure< NumericType > &static_pressure)
 Constructor. Constructs a stress tensor from a given static pressure using the definition of stress due to pressure. Since pressure is compressive, the negative of the static pressure contributes to the stress. More...
 ~Stress () noexcept=default
 Destructor. Destroys this stress tensor. More...
constexpr Stress (const Stress< NumericType > &other)=default
 Copy constructor. Constructs a stress tensor by copying another one. More...
template<typename OtherNumericType >
constexpr Stress (const Stress< OtherNumericType > &other)
 Copy constructor. Constructs a stress tensor by copying another one. More...
constexpr Stress (Stress< NumericType > &&other) noexcept=default
 Move constructor. Constructs a stress tensor by moving another one. More...
constexpr Stress< NumericType > & operator= (const Stress< NumericType > &other)=default
 Copy assignment operator. Assigns this stress tensor by copying another one. More...
template<typename OtherNumericType >
constexpr Stress< NumericType > & operator= (const Stress< OtherNumericType > &other)
 Copy assignment operator. Assigns this stress tensor by copying another one. More...
constexpr Stress< NumericType > & operator= (Stress< NumericType > &&other) noexcept=default
 Move assignment operator. Assigns this stress tensor by moving another one. More...
constexpr ScalarStress< NumericType > xx () const noexcept
 Returns the xx Cartesian component of this stress tensor. More...
constexpr ScalarStress< NumericType > xy () const noexcept
 Returns the xy = yx Cartesian component of this stress tensor. More...
constexpr ScalarStress< NumericType > xz () const noexcept
 Returns the xz = zx Cartesian component of this stress tensor. More...
constexpr ScalarStress< NumericType > yx () const noexcept
 Returns the yx = xy Cartesian component of this stress tensor. More...
constexpr ScalarStress< NumericType > yy () const noexcept
 Returns the yy Cartesian component of this stress tensor. More...
constexpr ScalarStress< NumericType > yz () const noexcept
 Returns the yz = zy Cartesian component of this stress tensor. More...
constexpr ScalarStress< NumericType > zx () const noexcept
 Returns the zx = xz Cartesian component of this stress tensor. More...
constexpr ScalarStress< NumericType > zy () const noexcept
 Returns the zy = yz Cartesian component of this stress tensor. More...
constexpr ScalarStress< NumericType > zz () const noexcept
 Returns the zz Cartesian component of this stress tensor. More...
constexpr PhQ::PlanarTraction< NumericType > PlanarTraction (const PlanarDirection< NumericType > &direction) const
 Creates a planar traction vector from this stress tensor and a given planar direction using the definition of traction. More...
constexpr PhQ::Traction< NumericType > Traction (const Direction< NumericType > &direction) const
 Creates a traction vector from this stress tensor and a given direction using the definition of traction. More...
constexpr ScalarStress< NumericType > VonMises () const
 Computes the von Mises stress of this stress tensor using the von Mises yield criterion. More...
constexpr Stress< NumericType > operator+ (const Stress< NumericType > &stress) const
constexpr Stress< NumericType > operator- (const Stress< NumericType > &stress) const
constexpr Stress< NumericType > operator* (const NumericType number) const
constexpr Stress< NumericType > operator/ (const NumericType number) const
constexpr void operator+= (const Stress< NumericType > &stress) noexcept
constexpr void operator-= (const Stress< NumericType > &stress) noexcept
constexpr void operator*= (const NumericType number) noexcept
constexpr void operator/= (const NumericType number) noexcept
constexpr const PhQ::SymmetricDyad< double > & Value () const noexcept
 Value of this physical quantity expressed in its standard unit of measure. More...
PhQ::SymmetricDyad< double > Value (const Unit::Pressure unit) const
 Value of this physical quantity expressed in a given unit of measure. More...
constexpr PhQ::SymmetricDyad< double > StaticValue () const
 Value of this physical quantity expressed in a given unit of measure. This method can be evaluated statically at compile-time. More...
constexpr PhQ::SymmetricDyad< double > & MutableValue () noexcept
 Returns the value of this physical quantity expressed in its standard unit of measure as a mutable value. More...
constexpr void SetValue (const PhQ::SymmetricDyad< double > &value) noexcept
 Sets the value of this physical quantity expressed in its standard unit of measure to the given value. More...
std::string Print () const
 Prints this physical quantity as a string. This physical quantity's value is expressed in its standard unit of measure. More...
std::string Print (const Unit::Pressure unit) const
 Prints this physical quantity as a string. This physical quantity's value is expressed in the given unit of measure. More...
std::string JSON () const
 Serializes this physical quantity as a JSON message. This physical quantity's value is expressed in its standard unit of measure. More...
std::string JSON (const Unit::Pressure unit) const
 Serializes this physical quantity as a JSON message. This physical quantity's value is expressed in the given unit of measure. More...
std::string XML () const
 Serializes this physical quantity as an XML message. This physical quantity's value is expressed in its standard unit of measure. More...
std::string XML (const Unit::Pressure unit) const
 Serializes this physical quantity as an XML message. This physical quantity's value is expressed in the given unit of measure. More...
std::string YAML () const
 Serializes this physical quantity as a YAML message. This physical quantity's value is expressed in its standard unit of measure. More...
std::string YAML (const Unit::Pressure unit) const
 Serializes this physical quantity as a YAML message. This physical quantity's value is expressed in the given unit of measure. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr Stress< NumericType > Zero ()
 Statically creates a stress tensor of zero. More...
template<Unit::Pressure Unit>
static constexpr Stress< NumericType > Create (const NumericType xx, const NumericType xy, const NumericType xz, const NumericType yy, const NumericType yz, const NumericType zz)
 Statically creates a stress tensor from the given xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, and zz Cartesian components expressed in a given pressure unit. More...
template<Unit::Pressure Unit>
static constexpr Stress< NumericType > Create (const std::array< NumericType, 6 > &xx_xy_xz_yy_yz_zz)
 Statically creates a stress tensor from the given xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, and zz Cartesian components expressed in a given pressure unit. More...
template<Unit::Pressure Unit>
static constexpr Stress< NumericType > Create (const SymmetricDyad< NumericType > &value)
 Statically creates a stress tensor with a given value expressed in a given pressure unit. More...
static constexpr const PhQ::DimensionsDimensions ()
 Physical dimension set of this physical quantity. More...
static constexpr Unit::Pressure Unit ()
 Standard unit of measure for this physical quantity. This physical quantity's value is stored internally in this unit of measure. More...

Protected Attributes

PhQ::SymmetricDyad< double > value
 Value of this physical quantity expressed in its standard unit of measure. More...

Private Member Functions

constexpr Stress (const SymmetricDyad< NumericType > &value)
 Constructor. Constructs a stress tensor with a given value expressed in the standard pressure unit. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename NumericType = double>
class PhQ::Stress< NumericType >

Three-dimensional Euclidean Cauchy stress symmetric dyadic tensor. Contains six components in Cartesian coordinates: xx, xy = yx, xz = zx, yy, yz = zy, and zz. For the scalar components or resultants of a Cauchy stress tensor, see PhQ::ScalarStress.

Definition at line 50 of file Stress.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Stress() [1/8]

template<typename NumericType = double>
PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress ( )

Default constructor. Constructs a stress tensor with an uninitialized value.

◆ Stress() [2/8]

template<typename NumericType = double>
PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress ( const SymmetricDyad< NumericType > &  value,
const Unit::Pressure  unit 

Constructor. Constructs a stress tensor with a given value expressed in a given pressure unit.

Definition at line 57 of file Stress.hpp.

◆ Stress() [3/8]

template<typename NumericType = double>
PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress ( const ScalarStress< NumericType > &  xx,
const ScalarStress< NumericType > &  xy,
const ScalarStress< NumericType > &  xz,
const ScalarStress< NumericType > &  yy,
const ScalarStress< NumericType > &  yz,
const ScalarStress< NumericType > &  zz 

Constructor. Constructs a stress tensor from a given set of scalar stress components.

Definition at line 61 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::xx(), PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::xy(), PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::xz(), PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::yy(), PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::yz(), and PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::zz().

◆ Stress() [4/8]

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress ( const StaticPressure< NumericType > &  static_pressure)

Constructor. Constructs a stress tensor from a given static pressure using the definition of stress due to pressure. Since pressure is compressive, the negative of the static pressure contributes to the stress.

Definition at line 70 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::DimensionalScalar< UnitType, NumericType >::Value().

◆ ~Stress()

template<typename NumericType = double>
PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::~Stress ( )

Destructor. Destroys this stress tensor.

◆ Stress() [5/8]

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress ( const Stress< NumericType > &  other)

Copy constructor. Constructs a stress tensor by copying another one.

◆ Stress() [6/8]

template<typename NumericType = double>
template<typename OtherNumericType >
constexpr PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress ( const Stress< OtherNumericType > &  other)

Copy constructor. Constructs a stress tensor by copying another one.

Definition at line 85 of file Stress.hpp.

◆ Stress() [7/8]

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress ( Stress< NumericType > &&  other)

Move constructor. Constructs a stress tensor by moving another one.

◆ Stress() [8/8]

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress ( const SymmetricDyad< NumericType > &  value)

Constructor. Constructs a stress tensor with a given value expressed in the standard pressure unit.

Definition at line 244 of file Stress.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Create() [1/3]

template<typename NumericType = double>
template<Unit::Pressure Unit>
static constexpr Stress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Create ( const NumericType  xx,
const NumericType  xy,
const NumericType  xz,
const NumericType  yy,
const NumericType  yz,
const NumericType  zz 

Statically creates a stress tensor from the given xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, and zz Cartesian components expressed in a given pressure unit.

Definition at line 112 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::xx(), PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::xy(), PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::xz(), PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::yy(), PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::yz(), and PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::zz().

◆ Create() [2/3]

template<typename NumericType = double>
template<Unit::Pressure Unit>
static constexpr Stress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Create ( const std::array< NumericType, 6 > &  xx_xy_xz_yy_yz_zz)

Statically creates a stress tensor from the given xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, and zz Cartesian components expressed in a given pressure unit.

Definition at line 122 of file Stress.hpp.

◆ Create() [3/3]

template<typename NumericType = double>
template<Unit::Pressure Unit>
static constexpr Stress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Create ( const SymmetricDyad< NumericType > &  value)

Statically creates a stress tensor with a given value expressed in a given pressure unit.

Definition at line 131 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure, double >::value.

◆ Dimensions()

static constexpr const PhQ::Dimensions& PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::Dimensions ( )

Physical dimension set of this physical quantity.

Definition at line 50 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ JSON() [1/2]

std::string PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::JSON ( ) const

Serializes this physical quantity as a JSON message. This physical quantity's value is expressed in its standard unit of measure.

Definition at line 103 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ JSON() [2/2]

std::string PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::JSON ( const Unit::Pressure  unit) const

Serializes this physical quantity as a JSON message. This physical quantity's value is expressed in the given unit of measure.

Definition at line 113 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ MutableValue()

constexpr PhQ::SymmetricDyad<double >& PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::MutableValue ( )

Returns the value of this physical quantity expressed in its standard unit of measure as a mutable value.

Definition at line 79 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ operator*()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr Stress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::operator* ( const NumericType  number) const

◆ operator*=()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr void PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::operator*= ( const NumericType  number)

◆ operator+()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr Stress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::operator+ ( const Stress< NumericType > &  stress) const

◆ operator+=()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr void PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::operator+= ( const Stress< NumericType > &  stress)

◆ operator-()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr Stress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::operator- ( const Stress< NumericType > &  stress) const

◆ operator-=()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr void PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::operator-= ( const Stress< NumericType > &  stress)

◆ operator/()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr Stress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::operator/ ( const NumericType  number) const

◆ operator/=()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr void PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::operator/= ( const NumericType  number)

◆ operator=() [1/3]

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr Stress<NumericType>& PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::operator= ( const Stress< NumericType > &  other)

Copy assignment operator. Assigns this stress tensor by copying another one.

◆ operator=() [2/3]

template<typename NumericType = double>
template<typename OtherNumericType >
constexpr Stress<NumericType>& PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::operator= ( const Stress< OtherNumericType > &  other)

Copy assignment operator. Assigns this stress tensor by copying another one.

Definition at line 96 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< UnitType, NumericType >::Value(), and PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure, double >::value.

◆ operator=() [3/3]

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr Stress<NumericType>& PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::operator= ( Stress< NumericType > &&  other)

Move assignment operator. Assigns this stress tensor by moving another one.

◆ PlanarTraction()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr PhQ::PlanarTraction<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::PlanarTraction ( const PlanarDirection< NumericType > &  direction) const

Creates a planar traction vector from this stress tensor and a given planar direction using the definition of traction.

Definition at line 184 of file Stress.hpp.

◆ Print() [1/2]

std::string PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::Print ( ) const

Prints this physical quantity as a string. This physical quantity's value is expressed in its standard unit of measure.

Definition at line 91 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ Print() [2/2]

std::string PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::Print ( const Unit::Pressure  unit) const

Prints this physical quantity as a string. This physical quantity's value is expressed in the given unit of measure.

Definition at line 97 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ SetValue()

constexpr void PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::SetValue ( const PhQ::SymmetricDyad< double > &  value)

Sets the value of this physical quantity expressed in its standard unit of measure to the given value.

Definition at line 85 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ StaticValue()

constexpr PhQ::SymmetricDyad<double > PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::StaticValue ( ) const

Value of this physical quantity expressed in a given unit of measure. This method can be evaluated statically at compile-time.

Definition at line 73 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ Traction()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr PhQ::Traction<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Traction ( const Direction< NumericType > &  direction) const

Creates a traction vector from this stress tensor and a given direction using the definition of traction.

Definition at line 191 of file Stress.hpp.

◆ Unit()

static constexpr Unit::Pressure PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::Unit ( )

Standard unit of measure for this physical quantity. This physical quantity's value is stored internally in this unit of measure.

Definition at line 56 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ Value() [1/2]

constexpr const PhQ::SymmetricDyad<double >& PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::Value ( ) const

Value of this physical quantity expressed in its standard unit of measure.

Definition at line 61 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ Value() [2/2]

PhQ::SymmetricDyad<double > PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::Value ( const Unit::Pressure  unit) const

Value of this physical quantity expressed in a given unit of measure.

Definition at line 66 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ VonMises()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr ScalarStress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::VonMises ( ) const

Computes the von Mises stress of this stress tensor using the von Mises yield criterion.

Definition at line 198 of file Stress.hpp.

◆ XML() [1/2]

std::string PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::XML ( ) const

Serializes this physical quantity as an XML message. This physical quantity's value is expressed in its standard unit of measure.

Definition at line 123 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ XML() [2/2]

std::string PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::XML ( const Unit::Pressure  unit) const

Serializes this physical quantity as an XML message. This physical quantity's value is expressed in the given unit of measure.

Definition at line 133 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ xx()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr ScalarStress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::xx ( ) const

Returns the xx Cartesian component of this stress tensor.

Definition at line 138 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure, double >::value, and PhQ::SymmetricDyad< NumericType >::xx().

Referenced by PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Create(), and PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress().

◆ xy()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr ScalarStress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::xy ( ) const

Returns the xy = yx Cartesian component of this stress tensor.

Definition at line 143 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure, double >::value, and PhQ::SymmetricDyad< NumericType >::xy().

Referenced by PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Create(), and PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress().

◆ xz()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr ScalarStress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::xz ( ) const

Returns the xz = zx Cartesian component of this stress tensor.

Definition at line 148 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure, double >::value, and PhQ::SymmetricDyad< NumericType >::xz().

Referenced by PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Create(), and PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress().

◆ YAML() [1/2]

std::string PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::YAML ( ) const

Serializes this physical quantity as a YAML message. This physical quantity's value is expressed in its standard unit of measure.

Definition at line 143 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ YAML() [2/2]

std::string PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::YAML ( const Unit::Pressure  unit) const

Serializes this physical quantity as a YAML message. This physical quantity's value is expressed in the given unit of measure.

Definition at line 153 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

◆ yx()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr ScalarStress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::yx ( ) const

Returns the yx = xy Cartesian component of this stress tensor.

Definition at line 153 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure, double >::value, and PhQ::SymmetricDyad< NumericType >::yx().

◆ yy()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr ScalarStress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::yy ( ) const

Returns the yy Cartesian component of this stress tensor.

Definition at line 158 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure, double >::value, and PhQ::SymmetricDyad< NumericType >::yy().

Referenced by PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Create(), and PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress().

◆ yz()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr ScalarStress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::yz ( ) const

Returns the yz = zy Cartesian component of this stress tensor.

Definition at line 163 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure, double >::value, and PhQ::SymmetricDyad< NumericType >::yz().

Referenced by PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Create(), and PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress().

◆ Zero()

template<typename NumericType = double>
static constexpr Stress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Zero ( )

◆ zx()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr ScalarStress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::zx ( ) const

Returns the zx = xz Cartesian component of this stress tensor.

Definition at line 168 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure, double >::value, and PhQ::SymmetricDyad< NumericType >::zx().

◆ zy()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr ScalarStress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::zy ( ) const

Returns the zy = yz Cartesian component of this stress tensor.

Definition at line 173 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure, double >::value, and PhQ::SymmetricDyad< NumericType >::zy().

◆ zz()

template<typename NumericType = double>
constexpr ScalarStress<NumericType> PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::zz ( ) const

Returns the zz Cartesian component of this stress tensor.

Definition at line 178 of file Stress.hpp.

References PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure, double >::value, and PhQ::SymmetricDyad< NumericType >::zz().

Referenced by PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Create(), and PhQ::Stress< NumericType >::Stress().

Member Data Documentation

◆ value

PhQ::SymmetricDyad<double > PhQ::DimensionalSymmetricDyad< Unit::Pressure , double >::value

Value of this physical quantity expressed in its standard unit of measure.

Definition at line 222 of file DimensionalSymmetricDyad.hpp.

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