Physical Quantities  v1.0.0
C++ library of physical quantities, physical models, and units of measure for scientific computing.
PhQ::Dyad< NumericType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for PhQ::Dyad< NumericType >, including all inherited members.

Adjugate() constPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Cofactors() constPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Determinant() const noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Dyad()=defaultPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >
Dyad(const NumericType xx, const NumericType xy, const NumericType xz, const NumericType yx, const NumericType yy, const NumericType yz, const NumericType zx, const NumericType zy, const NumericType zz)PhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Dyad(const std::array< NumericType, 9 > &xx_xy_xz_yx_yy_yz_zx_zy_zz)PhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inlineexplicit
Dyad(const SymmetricDyad< NumericType > &symmetric_dyad)PhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inlineexplicit
Dyad(const Dyad< NumericType > &other)=defaultPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >
Dyad(const Dyad< OtherNumericType > &other)PhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inlineexplicit
Dyad(Dyad< NumericType > &&other) noexcept=defaultPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >
Inverse() constPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
IsSymmetric() const noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
JSON() constPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Mutable_xx() noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Mutable_xx_xy_xz_yx_yy_yz_zx_zy_zz() noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Mutable_xy() noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Mutable_xz() noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Mutable_yx() noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Mutable_yy() noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Mutable_yz() noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Mutable_zx() noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Mutable_zy() noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Mutable_zz() noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
operator*=(const OtherNumericType number) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
operator+=(const Dyad< NumericType > &other) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
operator-=(const Dyad< NumericType > &other) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
operator/=(const OtherNumericType number) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
operator=(const Dyad< NumericType > &other)=defaultPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >
operator=(const Dyad< OtherNumericType > &other)PhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
operator=(Dyad< NumericType > &&other) noexcept=defaultPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >
operator=(const SymmetricDyad< NumericType > &other)PhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
operator=(const std::array< NumericType, 9 > &xx_xy_xz_yx_yy_yz_zx_zy_zz)PhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Print() constPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Set_xx(const NumericType xx) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Set_xx_xy_xz_yx_yy_yz_zx_zy_zz(const std::array< NumericType, 9 > &xx_xy_xz_yx_yy_yz_zx_zy_zz) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Set_xx_xy_xz_yx_yy_yz_zx_zy_zz(const NumericType xx, const NumericType xy, const NumericType xz, const NumericType yx, const NumericType yy, const NumericType yz, const NumericType zx, const NumericType zy, const NumericType zz) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Set_xy(const NumericType xy) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Set_xz(const NumericType xz) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Set_yx(const NumericType yx) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Set_yy(const NumericType yy) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Set_yz(const NumericType yz) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Set_zx(const NumericType zx) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Set_zy(const NumericType zy) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Set_zz(const NumericType zz) noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Trace() const noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Transpose() constPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
XML() constPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
xx() const noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
xx_xy_xz_yx_yy_yz_zx_zy_zz() const noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
xx_xy_xz_yx_yy_yz_zx_zy_zz_PhQ::Dyad< NumericType >private
xy() const noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
xz() const noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
YAML() constPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
yx() const noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
yy() const noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
yz() const noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
Zero()PhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inlinestatic
zx() const noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
zy() const noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
zz() const noexceptPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >inline
~Dyad() noexcept=defaultPhQ::Dyad< NumericType >