Physical Quantities  v1.0.0
C++ library of physical quantities, physical models, and units of measure for scientific computing.
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
SpecificPower.hpp File Reference
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <ostream>
#include "DimensionalScalar.hpp"
#include "Frequency.hpp"
#include "Mass.hpp"
#include "Power.hpp"
#include "SpecificEnergy.hpp"
#include "Time.hpp"
#include "Unit/SpecificPower.hpp"

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class  PhQ::SpecificPower< NumericType >
 Mass-specific power. Power per unit mass; see PhQ::Power and PhQ::Mass. More...


 Namespace that encompasses all of the Physical Quantities library's content.


template<typename NumericType >
constexpr bool PhQ::operator== (const SpecificPower< NumericType > &left, const SpecificPower< NumericType > &right) noexcept
template<typename NumericType >
constexpr bool PhQ::operator!= (const SpecificPower< NumericType > &left, const SpecificPower< NumericType > &right) noexcept
template<typename NumericType >
constexpr bool PhQ::operator< (const SpecificPower< NumericType > &left, const SpecificPower< NumericType > &right) noexcept
template<typename NumericType >
constexpr bool PhQ::operator> (const SpecificPower< NumericType > &left, const SpecificPower< NumericType > &right) noexcept
template<typename NumericType >
constexpr bool PhQ::operator<= (const SpecificPower< NumericType > &left, const SpecificPower< NumericType > &right) noexcept
template<typename NumericType >
constexpr bool PhQ::operator>= (const SpecificPower< NumericType > &left, const SpecificPower< NumericType > &right) noexcept
template<typename NumericType >
std::ostream & PhQ::operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const SpecificPower< NumericType > &specific_power)
template<typename NumericType >
constexpr SpecificPower< NumericType > PhQ::operator* (const NumericType number, const SpecificPower< NumericType > &specific_power)