Physical Quantities  v1.0.0
C++ library of physical quantities, physical models, and units of measure for scientific computing.
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
CompressibleNewtonianFluid.hpp File Reference
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include "../Base.hpp"
#include "../BulkDynamicViscosity.hpp"
#include "../ConstitutiveModel.hpp"
#include "../DynamicViscosity.hpp"
#include "../Strain.hpp"
#include "../StrainRate.hpp"
#include "../Stress.hpp"
#include "../SymmetricDyad.hpp"
#include "../Unit/Frequency.hpp"
#include "../Unit/Pressure.hpp"

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class  PhQ::ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType >
 Constitutive model for a compressible Newtonian fluid. This is the simplest constitutive model for a compressible fluid. It is similar to the model for an incompressible Newtonian fluid, but also includes the effect of the volumetric component of the strain rate tensor in addition to its deviatoric component. More...


 Namespace that encompasses all of the Physical Quantities library's content.


template<typename NumericType >
constexpr bool PhQ::operator== (const typename ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType > &left, const typename ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType > &right) noexcept
template<typename NumericType >
constexpr bool PhQ::operator!= (const typename ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType > &left, const typename ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType > &right) noexcept
template<typename NumericType >
constexpr bool PhQ::operator< (const typename ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType > &left, const typename ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType > &right) noexcept
template<typename NumericType >
constexpr bool PhQ::operator> (const typename ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType > &left, const typename ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType > &right) noexcept
template<typename NumericType >
constexpr bool PhQ::operator<= (const typename ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType > &left, const typename ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType > &right) noexcept
template<typename NumericType >
constexpr bool PhQ::operator>= (const typename ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType > &left, const typename ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType > &right) noexcept
template<typename NumericType >
std::ostream & PhQ::operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const typename ConstitutiveModel::CompressibleNewtonianFluid< NumericType > &model)