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Tables, lists, tokens, and scenery for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.

Expenses and Services

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Lifestyle Lodging Meals Other Expenses Total
Squalid 7 cp per day 3 cp per day 1 sp per day
Poor 1 sp per day 6 cp per day 4 cp per day 2 sp per day
Modest 5 sp per day 3 sp per day 2 sp per day 1 gp per day
Comfortable 1 gp per day 5 sp per day 5 sp per day 2 gp per day
Wealthy 2 gp per day 8 sp per day 12 sp per day 4 gp per day
Aristocratic 4 gp per day 2 gp per day 4 gp per day 10 gp per day

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Travel: Pace

Characters traveling on foot, on a mount, or aboard a land vehicle move at the same travel pace, choosing between a slow, normal, or fast pace:

Type Travel Pace Effect
Slow 200 ft/min, 2 mi/hr, 18 mi/day Able to use stealth
Normal 300 ft/min, 3 mi/hr, 24 mi/day
Fast 400 ft/min, 4 mi/hr, 30 mi/day −5 penalty to passive Wisdom (Perception)

Terrain affects your travel pace:

Bad weather such as heavy rains, blizzards, or hurricane winds can slow your travel pace even further.

For each additional hour of travel beyond 8 hours, a character must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of the hour. The DC is 10 + 1 for each hour past 8 hours. On a failed saving throw, the character suffers one level of exhaustion

A mounted character can ride at a gallop for up to one hour, covering 8 miles.

Characters traveling in waterborne vehicles travel at the pace of that vehicle. Depending on the vehicle and its crew, it may be possible to travel for 24 hours a day.

Characters traveling using motorized vehicles, magic, or flying mounts travel at a pace that depends on the speed of the motorized vehicle, magical effect, or flying mount:

Speed Slow Travel Pace Normal Travel Pace Fast Travel Pace
30 ft 200 ft/min, 2 mi/hr, 16 mi/day 300 ft/min, 3 mi/hr, 24 mi/day 400 ft/min, 4 mi/hr, 32 mi/day
40 ft 250 ft/min, 2½ mi/hr, 20 mi/day 400 ft/min, 4 mi/hr, 32 mi/day 550 ft/min, 5½ mi/hr, 40 mi/day
50 ft 350 ft/min, 3½ mi/hr, 28 mi/day 500 ft/min, 5 mi/hr, 40 mi/day 650 ft/min, 6½ mi/hr, 52 mi/day
60 ft 400 ft/min, 4 mi/hr, 32 mi/day 600 ft/min, 6 mi/hr, 48 mi/day 800 ft/min, 8 mi/hr, 64 mi/day
70 ft 450 ft/min, 4½ mi/hr, 36 mi/day 700 ft/min, 7 mi/hr, 56 mi/day 950 ft/min, 9½ mi/hr, 76 mi/day
80 ft 550 ft/min, 5½ mi/hr, 44 mi/day 800 ft/min, 8 mi/hr, 64 mi/day 1,100 ft/min, 11 mi/hr, 88 mi/day
90 ft 600 ft/min, 6 mi/hr, 48 mi/day 900 ft/min, 9 mi/hr, 72 mi/day 1,200 ft/min, 12 mi/hr, 96 mi/day
100 ft 650 ft/min, 6½ mi/hr, 52 mi/day 1,000 ft/min, 10 mi/hr, 80 mi/day 1,300 ft/min, 13 mi/hr, 104 mi/day
110 ft 750 ft/min, 7½ mi/hr, 60 mi/day 1,100 ft/min, 11 mi/hr, 88 mi/day 1,500 ft/min, 15 mi/hr, 120 mi/day
120 ft 800 ft/min, 8 mi/hr, 64 mi/day 1,200 ft/min, 12 mi/hr, 96 mi/day 1,600 ft/min, 16 mi/hr, 128 mi/day

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Travel: Activities

While traveling, characters can perform the following activities:

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Travel: Services

Travel Service Cost
Messenger 2 cp per mile
Coach cab: within a city 1 cp
Coach cab: between towns 3 cp per mile
Road or gate toll: pedestrian 1 cp
Road or gate toll: rider 5 cp
Road or gate toll: cart, chariot, or sled 2 sp
Road or gate toll: carriage or wagon 1 gp
Ship’s passage: berth deck hammock 1 sp per mile
Ship’s passage: lower class dormitory 5 sp per mile
Ship’s passage: upper class cabin 2 gp per mile

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Travel: Mounts


Mount Size Cost Feed per Day Stabling per Day Source
Mule Medium 8 gp 1 cp, 2 lb 2 sp MM 333
Ox Large 15 gp 5 cp, 10 lb 5 sp Volo 207
Mastiff Medium 25 gp 1 cp, 2 lb 2 sp MM 332
Pony Medium 30 gp 1 cp, 2 lb 2 sp MM 335
Camel Large 50 gp 5 cp, 10 lb 5 sp MM 320
Draft horse Large 50 gp 5 cp, 10 lb 5 sp MM 321
Riding horse Large 75 gp 5 cp, 10 lb 5 sp MM 336
Elephant Huge 200 gp 1 gp, 100 lb 5 gp MM 322
Warhorse Large 400 gp 5 cp, 10 lb 5 sp MM 340

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Travel: Tack

Barding is armor designed to protect an animal’s head, neck, chest, and body. Any type of armor can be made as barding, but it costs and weighs more. A military saddle gives you advantage on any check you make to remain mounted. An exotic saddle is required for riding any aquatic or flying mount.

Tack Cost Weight
Bit and bridle 2 gp 1 lb
Saddlebags 4 gp 8 lb
Pack saddle 5 gp 15 lb
Riding saddle 10 gp 25 lb
Military saddle 20 gp 30 lb
Exotic saddle 60 gp 40 lb
Barding ×4 ×2

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Travel: Land Vehicles

Land vehicles must be drawn by a mount. Generally, a mount can draw a land vehicle one size larger than itself, and multiple mounts can be used to draw a land vehicle faster.

Land Vehicle Size Cost Weight
Cart Large 15 gp 200 lb
Sled Large 20 gp 300 lb
Wagon Huge 35 gp 400 lb
Carriage Huge 100 gp 600 lb
Chariot Large 250 gp 100 lb

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Travel: Waterborne Vehicles

The speed of a waterborne vehicle depends on the speed and direction of the water current. A typical water current speed is about 3 mph. Add the speed of the water current to the vehicle’s speed while taking the directions into account to determine the vehicle’s net speed. If a vehicle is using sails, its listed speed assumes there is a decent breeze and that the vehicle is sailing with the wind; sailing into the wind is much slower.

Waterborne Vehicle Capacity Propulsion Speed Cost
Canoe 2 crew, 200 lb cargo Paddles 1½ mph 30 gp
Rowboat 2 crew, 2 passengers, 400 lb cargo Oars 1½ mph 50 gp
Keelboat 3 crew, 4 passengers, 1,000 lb cargo Oars or sails 1 mph 3,000 gp
Longship 40 crew, 100 passengers, 20,000 lb cargo Oars or sails 3 mph 10,000 gp
Sailing ship 30 crew, 20 passengers, 200,000 lb cargo Sails 2 mph 10,000 gp
Warship 40 crew, 60 passengers, 400,000 lb cargo Oars or sails 2½ mph 25,000 gp
Galley 80 crew, 40 passengers, 300,000 lb cargo Oars or sails 4 mph 30,000 gp

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Spellcasting Services

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Spellcasters may offer spellcasting services. The cost of spellcasting services in gold pieces is calculated as follows: 10 × (spell level)^2 + 2 × (consumed materials) + (non-consumed materials) / 10.

Spellcasting Services: Wellness

Spell Spell Slot Spellcaster Cost
Create or destroy water 1st 1st-level cleric or druid 10 gp
Detect poison and disease 1st (ritual) 1st-level cleric or druid; or 2nd-level paladin or ranger 10 gp
Goodberry 1st 1st-level druid; or 2nd-level ranger 10 gp
Lesser restoration 2nd 3rd-level bard, cleric, or druid; or 5th-level artificer, paladin, or ranger 40 gp
Create food and water 3rd 5th-level cleric; or 9th-level artificer or paladin 90 gp
Dispel magic 3rd 5th-level bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, wizard; or 9th-level artificer or paladin 90 gp
Remove curse 3rd 5th-level cleric, warlock, or wizard; or 9th-level paladin 90 gp
Dispel evil and good 5th 9th-level cleric; or 17th-level paladin 250 gp
Greater restoration 5th 9th-level bard, cleric, or druid; or 17th-level artificer or ranger 450 gp

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Spellcasting Services: Healing

Spell Spell Slot Spellcaster Cost
Cure wounds 1st 1st-level artificer, bard, cleric, or druid; or 2nd-level paladin or ranger 10 gp
Prayer of healing 2nd 3rd-level cleric; or 5th-level paladin 40 gp
Mass healing word 3rd 5th-level bard, cleric 90 gp
Mass cure wounds 5th 9th-level bard, cleric, or druid 250 gp
Heal 6th 11th-level cleric or druid 360 gp
Mass heal 9th 17th-level cleric 810 gp

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Spellcasting Services: Resurrection

Spell Spell Slot Spellcaster Cost
Revivify 3rd 5th-level cleric or druid; or 9th-level artificer, paladin, or ranger 690 gp
Raise dead 5th 9th-level bard or cleric; or 17th-level paladin 1,300 gp
Reincarnate 5th 9th-level druid 2,300 gp
Resurrection 7th 13th-level bard or cleric 2,500 gp
Clone 8th 15th-level wizard 2,800 gp
True resurrection 9th 17th-level cleric or druid 51,000 gp

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Spellcasting Services: Security

Spell Spell Slot Spellcaster Cost
Alarm 1st (ritual) 1st-level artificer or wizard; or 2nd-level ranger 10 gp
Arcane lock 2nd 3rd-level wizard; or 5th-level artificer 40 gp
Continual flame 2nd 3rd-level cleric, druid, or wizard; or 9th-level artificer 40 gp
Knock 2nd 3rd-level bard, sorcerer, or wizard 40 gp
Nystul’s magic aura 2nd 3rd-level wizard 40 gp
Animate dead 3rd 5th-level cleric or wizard 100 gp
Hallow 5th 9th-level cleric 2,300 gp
Forbiddance 6th (ritual) 11th-level cleric 460 gp
Guards and wards 6th 11th-level bard or wizard 360 gp

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Spellcasting Services: Communication

Spell Spell Slot Spellcaster Cost
Message Cantrip 1st-level artificer, bard, sorcerer, or wizard 5 gp
Detect thoughts 2nd 3rd-level bard, sorcerer, or wizard 40 gp
Zone of truth 2nd 3rd-level bard or cleric; or 5th-level paladin 40 gp
Sending 3rd 5th-level bard, cleric, or wizard 90 gp
Speak with dead 3rd 5th-level bard, cleric, or wizard 90 gp
Speak with plants 3rd 5th-level bard or druid; or 9th-level ranger 90 gp
Dream 5th 9th-level bard, warlock, or wizard 260 gp

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Spellcasting Services: Transportation

Spell Spell Slot Spellcaster Cost
Teleportation circle 5th 9th-level bard, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard 350 gp
Teleportation circle (permanent) 5th 9th-level bard, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard 130,000 gp
Transport via plants 6th 11th-level druid 360 gp
Teleport 7th 13th-level bard, sorcerer, or wizard 490 gp
Plane shift 7th 13th-level cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard 520 gp
Gate 9th 17th-level cleric, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard 1,300 gp

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Spellcasting Services: Surveillance

Spell Spell Slot Spellcaster Cost
Detect magic 1st (ritual) 1st-level artificer, bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, or wizard; or 2nd-level paladin or ranger 10 gp
Identify 1st (ritual) 1st-level artificer, bard, or wizard 20 gp
Locate animals or plants 2nd (ritual) 3rd-level bard or druid; or 9th-level ranger 40 gp
Locate object 2nd 3rd-level bard, cleric, druid, or wizard; or 9th-level paladin or ranger 40 gp
Clairvoyance 3rd 5th-level bard, cleric, sorcerer, or wizard 100 gp
Locate creature 4th 7th-level bard, cleric, druid, or wizard; or 13th-level paladin or ranger 170 gp
Divination 4th (ritual) 7th-level cleric, druid, or wizard 210 gp
Commune 5th (ritual) 9th-level cleric 260 gp
Commune with nature 5th (ritual) 9th-level druid; or 17th-level ranger 250 gp
Scrying 5th 9th-level bard, cleric, druid, warlock, or wizard 350 gp

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Some hirelings might require a minimum of several days or even weeks of pay for a given job, and might ask for some or all of their pay up front. Furthermore, danger implies higher pay: if there is a possibility of combat or similar hazard, hirelings generally require double pay, and hirelings outright refuse to go on suicide missions.


Hireling Cost
Unskilled laborer, costermonger, peddler 2 sp per day
Burglar, pickpocket, bandit (MM 343), tribal warrior (MM 350) 1 gp per day
Soldier, skilled laborer, student, guard (MM 347) 2 gp per day
Artisan, merchant, military officer, acolyte (MM 342), apprentice wizard (Volo 209), thug (MM 350) 4 gp per day
Courtier, business owner, scout (MM 349) 8 gp per day
Politician, guild leader, noble, bandit captain (MM 344), berserker (MM 344), druid (MM 346), spy (MM 349) 16 gp per day
Aristocrat, bard (Volo 211), priest (MM 348), swashbuckler (Volo 217) 32 gp per day
Archer (Volo 210), knight (MM 347), martial arts adept (Volo 216), veteran (MM 350) 48 gp per day
Gladiator (MM 346), master thief (Volo 216) 110 gp per day
Mage (MM 347) 160 gp per day
Assassin (MM 343) 360 gp per day
Champion (Volo 212), war priest (Volo 218) 600 gp per day
Archdruid (Volo 210) 1,200 gp per day
Archmage (MM 342), warlord (Volo 220) 1,800 gp per day

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